I loved gun fu stickman Ed. So I sure hope its just as good. ill get back after Ive played it but for now I give it three stars
I loved gun fu stickman Ed. So I sure hope its just as good. ill get back after Ive played it but for now I give it three stars
It is awesome I love it Hi
So cool so awesome that it made my brain rock on
Do you think that you could add a couple new weapons? Like a sub machine gun based off of the MP40, or a .357 magnum? Also, the player animations seem to be of low quality when compared to enemies animations. Other than that, this is a great app.
Its very good especially when its day time the game will be day.But dont you think you can lower the prices of the SHOTGUN and RIFLE to maybe 3000 instead of 5000,same thing with the ROCKET LAUNCHER,that could probably be 5000 please use this.
I like it a lot but I wish the guns were a little less money